I want to become a candle in the darkness

It has been 10 years I live in dark side of this world. Knowing too much pain and something I was in middle of it and often it was me in that situation.

In that 10 years I got a lot of experience of life, the experience that often make me feel I don't have any strength to change anything even my own life.

Control ego or being controlled by ego ?

" People think you're pitiful ? you're miserable ? you can't change your fate ? and yet you accept those words from people who know nothing about your life journey ? Then those people is right you can't change nothing and you will die with pitifully. "

Give up isn't an option

There's a time for a man should carefully, look ahead and thinking how I can go forward even the great obstacle waiting me in there. And of course every person who wants to change things for the better would have made their own decision, even though they meybe have throw away what they have now for the future which not yet in the know.

7-8 ?

Sebuah nilai sewaktu duduk di bangku pendidikan sangatlah bervariasi pandangannya karena memang tergantung dari tingkat pendidikan yang sedang di alami karena memang nilai itu semakin berkurang kesadarannya dari beberapa individu dan inilah yang saya alami.

Love ... ???

Semua orang tentunya memiliki kisah perjalanan cinta mereka sendiri yang tentunya bermacam-macam dan pengungkapan cinta yang di lakukan pun pasti lah bermacam-macam baik yang menggunakan bunga atau kue seperti di dalam sinetron maupun yang unik seperti monyoret pipi untuk menunjukkan jawaban iya atau tidak.

Ngampus itu ...

Ngampus yang merupakan sebuah rutinitas yang sekarang saya jalanin yang ternyata tidak seperti yang telah di prediksikan sebelumnya. Well, it's kinda hard to explain but there's one thing that certain that there's no time for relax.
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